Transforming Education: ADInstruments' Lt Sensors for Interactive Learning

Transforming Education: ADInstruments' Lt Sensors for Interactive Learning


The latest innovation from ADI allows engagement with students in active learning, whether in the lab or remotely.

The new range of Lt sensors is now available exclusively for Lt users to record and acquire physiological data in real-time, anytime and anywhere.

The Lt sensors connect directly to Lt via a USB connection on a laptop or desktop computer. They are available as individual sensors or kits for the Human Physiology Collection, where students can measure ECG, EEG, EOG, EMG, skin temperature, and respiratory rate during their practical sessions.

The use of Lt Sensors eliminates the need for a PowerLab device for data acquisition, therefore offering affordability, ease of use and greater flexibility and portability when used with the online learning platform Lt.

Find out which of our two data acquisition solutions best suits your teaching needs:

ADInstruments Lt sensors and PowerLab

Watch: Video - Plug and play Lt Sensors

Watch: Video - Plug and play Lt Sensors

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