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Find your nearest branch, or any of our branches in South Africa.
Lasec® Cape Town Head Office
52 Old Mill Road, Ndabeni, Cape Town, 7405
48 Gazelle Crescent, Gazelle Place, Corporate Park South, Randjespark, Midrand, 1685
Unit 3 Windsor Court, Ground Floor, AFS House, 4 Derby Place, Derby Downs, Westville, 3629
Unit 5.1, Building 3, Ascot Office Park, Block 7, Conyngham Street, Greenacres, 6001
53 President Steyn, Avenue, Westdene, Bloemfontein, 9301
52 Old Mill Road, Ndabeni, Cape Town, 7405
52 Old Mill Road, Ndabeni, Cape Town, 7405
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