BMG LABTECH is a leading global manufacturer of innovative, high-quality, and reliable microplate reader instrumentation with a wide range of measurement methods. Microplate readers are used in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries, as well as in academic research establishments, for both basic research analysis and high-throughput screening. They focus solely on microplate readers and offer the most diverse selection of optical detection systems in conjunction with integrated liquid handling equipment.
For more than 30 years now, they have always been developing unique and innovative technologies, defending their position as a technology leader in the field. They are powered by the desire to equip scientists all over the world with the very best instrument for their research. Today, BMG LABTECH offers a wide range of dedicated and multi-mode microplate readers for life sciences applications and high-throughput screening. Their products are built to last. They aim for high reliability and sturdiness to deliver optimum performance over years and even decades. Some of their readers have been used for 20 years and counting in the same lab.